The fundamentals of electricity grids are changing, with increasingly unpredictable supply patterns, decentralised generation and entirely new shifts in demand.
At Koolen Industries, we're ready to tackle any grid-related challenge that you are facing. From cable-pooling to balancing with batteries, and from off-grid energy supply to closed distribution networks & infra-pooling, together with our 25+ group companies we develop, integrate and deliver advanced grid solutions to power your business.
While individual technologies are important, integrated right-now solutions that can optimise availability, transportation, storage and provisioning of electricity are the key. Working with Koolen industries, you have a single partner with a vast portfolio of technologies and expertise to tackle any grid challenge.
Improving utilisation with cable-pooling
The large difference between peak and average production of renewables leads to very low utilisation of existing connected power, for example just 10% average for a solar park. Cable-pooling combines multiple installations with different generation profiles under one existing connection, which can prevent expensive investments in the network and delays for construction of new installations.
Through cable-pooling, operators save time on approvals & installation as well as the cost of a new connection, which in the context of a new solar park often represents 25% of the total investment.
In The Netherlands, cable-pooling is supported by a change in the electricity law in 2020 that allows multiple installations with unique EAN codes to be pooled under a single MLOEA network connection.
Balancing generation & peak shaving with batteries
Combining renewable generation with an energy storage solution flattens the curve of unpredictable renewable generation and improves capacity utilisation. Through peak shaving, batteries can store electricity at peak production for delivery to the network later. Tackling peaks in electricity demand, battery systems can also enable advanced EV charging at scale.
For operators, this can lead to faster and easier integration of their installation, as the amount of connected power can often be cut in half. Additionally, the created flexibility opens a revenue stream, generating income through delivering Frequency Containment Reserve capacity to network managers.
In The Netherlands, balancing technology investments may be eligible for the Energy Investment Subsidy (Energie Investering Aftrek, EIA).
Autonomous electricity supply at any location
Autonomous Hydrozine generators in combination with battery energy storage systems can deliver an emission-free, predictable electricity supply at any location. Through powerful energy storage solutions, even high power requirements of industry can be serviced completely independent of the grid.
The fascinatingly simple logistics of Hydrozine refuelling and hassle-free operations of modern storage solutions open a world of opportunities for operators, making polluting generators redundant and easily enabling electrification of locations that were previously considered impossible.
In The Netherlands, clean generator & battery investments in the construction sector may be eligible for the emission-free construction equipment subsidy.
Closed distribution network / Infra pooling
Through infra-pooling, large-scale infrastructure on both the demand and supply side can be connected to realise installations under restraining grid circumstances. Multiple generation facilities can be pooled together in a closed distribution network and connected to the national high voltage network to avoid congestion that often takes place on medium voltage networks.
Whenever a large electricity consumer with an existing closed distribution network is present, generation and application can be connected in that network. This leads to structural grid improvements, because less electricity from the grid is needed during periods of high production from wind & sun.
In The Netherlands, multiple generation facilities can reach the required 100MW power for realising a connection on TenneT’s national transmission network.
Do you have a grid infrastructure challenge? Talk to us!